Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tuesday afternoon.....

Yep, that's pretty much how I feel about this afternoon. Try doing a Google Image Search for "blarg" and see what you get; I found it enlightening.

I'm biding my time until I head up to my alma mater, Michigan State, for the weekend. It's homecoming time, which is actually time for all of The Girls to reconvene in East Lansing and pretend we're 21 again. Then all of the real 21-year-olds can look at us and laugh :).

Meanwhile, Brian has been working a lot and I've been trying to get things in shape around the house. Let's just say the lawn hasn't been mowed in about 2 months (thank god for the dry summer!). In my defense, Brian broke the lawnmower and we just got it back, but still...our yard looks a bit overgrown...

Time to go, I must solve the library's e-problems before going home to wash the dog and make felt people for the library's Homecoming banner (more on that later...). Giorgio's, I'm looking forward to some baked potato pizza...

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