Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Amazing Animal Footage

This has got to be one of the most amazing photos I've seen of the animal kingdom. When Darwinism and non-native species collide!

That picture just made my day. The rest of my day involved going to work, washing the dog, and then taking him for a walk so that he wouldn't immediately roll in the grass and get all dirty again. No, we managed to wait a whole 2 hours before doing that; a new record in Dogdom.

I still haven't managed to see Corpse Bride, but since Brian and I have a Six Feet Under date tonight I should get my daily dose of morbidity. For those who don't know, this is not just a personality quirk; it's in my DNA. My grandfather used to own a funeral home: Winberg Furniture Store and Funeral Home, in Ellsworth Wisconsin. Don't even ask; I know what you're thinking. My Grandma ran the furniture store :). More about her later, as she is an amazing woman!

Brian is arriving shortly, so I need to clean the dog hair out of the guest bathroom.

1 comment:

Michael Sensiba said...

There's an Animal Planet version celebrity death match in this somehow: tag team match #1 = gators and pythons vs. rats and cockroaches. Darwin would be so proud...