Friday, October 14, 2005

Today is the day!

Yes kids, NCAA basketball season officially starts tonight. For those of you who didn't spend their youth on the courts, this means that teams can being practicing. No games until mid-November usually. In my situation, this basically means that I become single again, since my man is a college basketball coach.

As he is torturing the team with suicides, tip drill, and other evil drills designed for "conditioning", I will be preparing for tomorrow's Paws Parade in Dayton. Davey and I will be repping the Athens area with one of my co-librarians Janet, who is bringing her Dane Nikki.

Of course, I'm not looking forward to leaving Athens at 6:30 am to get there at 9, but all for a good cause, right? Let me know if you're interested in sponsoring us (late notice, I know).

I saw Wallace and Gromit the other day and it was fantastic! Extremely clever and funny :). I would recommend it just because of the scene with the rabbit belching (right Amanda?).

Enough for now, must get to work! E-problems everywhere, as usual.

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